Certified Professional Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Agile Affintity, on behalf of the Internatinal Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
Certified Professional Coaching Agile Transformation (ICP-CAT)
IBM for bp, on behalf of the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
Certified Professional Enterprise Agile Coaching (ICP-ENT)
IBM for bp, on behalf of the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
Certified Professional Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC)
IBM for bp, on behalf of the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
Certified Professional Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF)
IBM for bp, on behalf of the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
Academy of Leadership Mastery (Jedi School)
Audree & Michael Sahota from SHIFT314 (formally Agilitrix)
IAP C&M - Accredited Fellow Coach
David Monro-Jones, International Authority on Professional Coaching & Mentoring
IAP C&M - Accredited Fellow Mentor
David Monro-Jones, International Authority on Professional Coaching & Mentoring
NLP Practitioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
James Conlon from Ibex Coaching & Training
Essential Communication & Influencing Skills
James Conlon from Ibex Coaching & Training
Building Mental Resilience
James & Amanda from Ibex Coaching & Training
Shift 314 - 21 Day Process for Evolutionary Leadership
Audree & Michael Sahota from SHIFT314 (formally Agilitrix)
The Academy of Leadership Mastery - JEDI
Audree & Michael Sahota from SHIFT314 (formally Agilitrix)
Nicki & Tony Vee from MasterCoach
Training from the Back of the Room
Simon Powers from Adventures with Agile
The Beautiful State : The Key to Unlocking High Performance
Audree & Michael Sahota from Agilitrix hosted by Adventures with Agile
Certified Agile Leadership 2
Michael & Audree Sahota from Agilitrix hosted by Adventures with Agile
Certified Scrum Professional - ScrumMaster
Scrum Alliance (reorganisation)
Certified Scrum Professional - Product Owner
Scrum Alliance (reorganisation)
Scrum Coaching Retreat Copenhagen
Certified Agile Leadership 1
Michael & Audree Sahota from Agilitrix hosted by Adventures with Agile
SAFe Programme Consultant
Mark Richards hosted by Agil8
Certified Scrum Product Owner
David Hicks for Agil8 for the Scrum Alliance
Agile Estimating & Planning
Mike Cohn hosted by Developer Focus
Certified Scrum Professional
Self Study with the Scrum Alliance
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Australian Insitute of Management
Advanced Agile Techniques
Alistar Cockburn for SMS MT
Rachel Davis for Skills Matter
Martine Devos for Xperience
TCC Training & Consultancy